History and Mission

The Multimedia Committee is an IES AdHoc committee formed during the July 2020 Adcom meeting.
Its mission is to promote technological innovation, excellence in analysis, and to broadcast contents.

The Multimedia website page was launched in September 2020, leveraging the strength of IES and its members.

Precious content and collection…

The following sources are made available for users, researchers, and IES members:

  1. Distinguished and Frontiers Lecturer presentations (DL & FL)
  2. Tutorials and Keynotes at conferences
  3. Webinars from Technical Committees


…Available in three venues

This content can be found in the following venues:

IES Channel in IEEE.tv: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/channels/ies


IES Resource Center: https://resourcecenter.ies.ieee.org


IES ITeN eNews website: https://iten.ieee-ies.org


Multimedia Committee Members

Behind the scene, the Multimedia Committee Members are actively and constantly contributing to give access to content of interest to our society members. If you have any question or idea to share with the team, please contact Prof. Morgan Kiani (m.kiani@tcu.edu).

For more information about the Multimedia Committee, please visit: https://www.ieee-ies.org/news/multimedia