Tuesday, 15 June 2021 2:00 PM CET (8:00 AM EST)

by Professor Massimiliano Pirani (Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy)

Massimiliano Pirani photo

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The IEEE Future Directions and Digital Reality community have established the Symbiotic Autonomous Systems vision where digital and physical reality are destined, in next decades, to be merged and indistinguishable. Recently the focus has been also on the coexistence, co-creation, and co-organization of artificial and natural entities in the still not completely explored and understood mid-land of hybrid reality, impacting humankind and society. Some entities are going to assume the role of intermediaries and facilitators for humans to sail safe in digital seas. Evolutions in digital twin theory bring a future for autonomous cognitive digital twin. An ubiquitous entity, silent but always present at the periphery of humans daylife. These entities will materialize themselves in order to advise, interpret, guide, prepare, and support humans towards social responsibility and ethics, while guarding them from the risks brought about by the “big picture”. This webinar aims at discussing most promising technologies and architectures for an explainable and extended artificial intelligence that should be at the core of the future digital transformation, in proper control of the abuses and misuses that might generate new forms of societal alienation and divide.

Presenters’ bio:

Massimiliano Pirani is assistant professor at the department of information engineering (DII) of Marche Polytechnic University (Ancona, Italy). He received the Master and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from the same university. His initial research interests included identification of nonlinear systems, higher order statistics, nonlinear signal processing, neural networks, audio electronics, speech processing, loudspeaker systems enhancement. His research currently involves Cybernetics, holonic multiagent systems, intelligent manufacturing systems, cyber-physical systems of systems, control theory, extended artificial intelligence, and computer science. From 2004 to 2015 he worked as a computer science researcher, research manager and head of software departments in industrial and consumer electronics sectors. He was mainly involved in artificial intelligence, smart control technology, networking and Web technologies applied to bioprocesses, industrial systems automation and smart home. He is a research, innovation manager and development consultant in embedded electronics systems, Industrial IoT, intelligent control, and distributed computing. He covered the role of adjunct professor on Internet, computer and computer networks, and mathematics at the Marche Politechnic University. A list of his publications can be found at https://scholar.google.com/citations?-hl=en&user=rD4f9igAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate