During Industrial Electronics Society’s AdCom of 12 and 13 June 2021, the president, Terry Martin, has appointed 2 Editors-in-Chiefs (EiC) and 2 co-Editors-in-Chiefs (co-EiC). The appointment is advised by Publication Committee and validated by AdCom members.

The EiCs, Prof. Emil Levi (reappointment) from United Kingdom for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, and Prof. Eric Monmasson from France for IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, will both serve their three-year term from 2022 to 2024.

The co-EiCs of IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics are Prof. Gerhard Hanke Sr. (reappointment) from South Africa, who will serve his two-year term from 2022 to 2023, and Prof. QingLong Han from Australia, who will serve his three-year term from 2022 to 2024.

Congratulations to them!


Emil Levi 

Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions on Industrial Electronics for a second three-year term (2022-2024)  

Emil Levi received his Dipl. Ing. Degree from the University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in 1982 and his MSc and the PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1986 and 1990, respectively. From 1982 till 1992 he was with the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Novi Sad. He joined Liverpool John Moores University, UK in May 1992 and is since September 2000 Professor of Electric Machines and Drives. He served as a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics in the 2009-2013 period and as Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, and is currently Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics and IET Electric Power Applications. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the recipient of the Cyril Veinott award of the IEEE Power and Energy Society for 2009 and the Best Paper award of the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics for 2008. He is also a recipient of the European Power Electronics (EPE) Association “Outstanding Achievement Award” for 2014 and “Professor Istvan Nagy Award” of the Power Electronics and Motion Control (PEMC) Council for 2018. He is also a Foreign Member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia.



Eric Monmasson

Editor-in-Chief of the Industrial Electronics Magazine for a three-year term (2022-2024)

Eric Monmasson (M’96–SM’06) received the Ing. and Ph.D. degrees from the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Ingénieurs d’Electrotechnique d’Electronique d’Informatique et d’Hydraulique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. Since 2003, he is a Full Professor at CY Cergy Paris University, formerly University of Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France. He was Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Companies and Industry of this University from 2006 to 2011.

Dr. Monmasson is also with the Systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l’Information et de l’Energie research laboratory (SATIE, UMR CNRS 8029), Cergy-Pontoise, France. He is the author or coauthor of 3 books and more than 250 scientific papers. His current research interests include digital control of power electronics, microgrids, electrical motors and generators, and FPGA-based and SoC-based industrial control systems. Dr. Monmasson was the Chair of the technical committee on Electronic Systems-on-Chip of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society from 2008 to 2011. He is also a member of the steering committee of the European Power Electronics Association and he was the Chair of the ELECTRIMACS technical committee of the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (2011-2017). Dr. Monmasson was the General Chair of ELECTRIMACS 2011 conference and Technical Program Co-Chair of 3 main IEEE IES conferences (ICIT18, ISIE18 and ICIT21). He was an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics (2007-2018) and he is currently serving as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society and as Society News Editor for the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine.


Gerhard Hancke Sr.

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Transaction on Industrial Informatics for a second two-year term (2022-2023)

Gerhard P. Hancke (M’88–SM’00–F’16–LF’19) received the B.Sc. and B.Eng. degrees (1970), and the M.Eng. degree (1973) from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and the D.Eng. degree (1983) from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, all in Electronic Engineering. He is a Professor with the College for Automation and College for Artificial Intelligence at the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China and the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

He is recognized internationally as a pioneer and leading scholar in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) research, and was elevated to IEEE Fellow “for contributions to wireless sensor networks”. He initiated and co-edited the first Special Section on Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS in 2009 and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS (TII) in 2013. He co-edited a textbook, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Protocols and Standards (2013), the first on the topic. Two of his papers in the IWSN field are listed by ESI (Web of Science) as Highly Cited papers in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS (ranked 3rd and 7th respectively). He received the TII Best Paper Award for 2012 (within the area of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks). He co-edited a textbook, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Protocols and Standards (2013), the first on the topic. Currently, he is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS and Senior Editor of IEEE ACCESS.


QingLong Han

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Transaction on Industrial Informatics for a three-year term (2022-2024) 

Professor Han is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Quality) and a Distinguished Professor at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. He held various academic and management positions at Griffith University and Central Queensland University, Australia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Control Engineering from East China University of Science and Technology in 1997. His research areas include networked control systems, cyber physical systems, multi-agent systems, smart grids, and cyber security.

Professor Han is a Highly Cited Researcher in the Essential Science Indicator by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters). He is one of Australia’s Top 5 Lifetime Achievers (Research Superstars) in the discipline area of Engineering and Computer Science by The Australian’s Research Magazine (2019-2020). He was the recipient of The 2021 M. A. Sargent Medal (the Highest Award of the Electrical College Board of Engineers Australia), The 2020 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, The 2020 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Outstanding Paper Award, and The 2019 IEEE SMC Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award.

Professor Han is a Member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe). He is a Fellow of The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers Australia. He has served as an AdCom Member of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), a Member of IEEE IES Fellow Committee, and Chair of IEEE IES Technical Committee on Network-based Control Systems. He has served as an Associate Editor for 12 international journals including IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Control Engineering Practice,Information Sciences, and a Guest Editor for 15 Special Issues.