Organized by: Prof. Andrea Benigni, Priv.-Doz. Thomas I. Strasser, Prof. Federico Milano, Dr.-Ing. Martina Joševski

The target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions motivated by environmental and sustainability concerns has led to substitute a significant share of conventional generation with renewable sources. In this transition, synchronous machines are being replaced with power electronics-interfaced generation. As consequence the inertia – normally provided by the large mass of rotating machines – that naturally slowed down the reaction (e.g., frequency variations) to disturbances and unbalances is significantly reduced. This means an historical paradigm shift that requires rethinking existing methodologies for the modelling, design, control, operation, and planning of power systems and of the role and functions of power system electronics so that stability and quality of service can be ensured also under these new conditions. 


The aim of the special section is to provide a timely opportunity for researchers, practicing engineers, and other stakeholders to share their latest discoveries related to power electronic converters as well as renewable energy, storage, and smart grid challenges and opportunities with a clear focus on low inertia power systems. Therefore, all submissions need to demonstrate strong original contributions related to this focus covering:

  • Frequency and voltage control techniques  
  • Virtual inertia implementations  
  • Protection challenges and solutions  
  • Energy management approaches (demand side management, sector coupling)  
  • Artificial intelligence applications  
  • User flexibility  
  • Modelling and simulation  
  • Controller and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (CHIL/PHIL) testing

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