It is my great pleasure to address IES membership at the end of this 2024 year. And what a year it was!

It was a year of many firsts. We started early – officers met in New York taking a new approach – thinking across departments in synergistic ways we have not thought before. This set the stage for the first Administrative Committee in Kyoto. Starting 2024, AdCom was meeting three times per year. We adjusted to new dynamics and made initial steps towards resolving needs of consistent and professional marketing and communications (new hire), making steps towards entrepreneurial spirit of society, and focussing towards digital modality of publications (later resulting in savings over $500,000 to be redirected towards benefits of our membership). In addition, I was very proud that my initiative towards doubling student awards this year was warmly accepted.

Time moved fast and we were in Ulsan already. We continued towards one of my top priorities, establishing new committee, ExCom, with a goal of exemplifying synergistic spirit of ONE IES as I like to call it, and modernizing various processes from nominations to travel upgrades.

This summer brought another novelty – the 1st SYP Congress featured impeccable execution in 24-27 July, in Hyderabad, India with a “Green Energy” theme, attracting 85 participants representing about 40 IES Student Branches/Sections.

The Fall was marked by several big events – the 50th edition of IES flagship conference IECON 2024. Our jubilee conference 2024 IECON, beautifully executed by Chair Mohammad Shadmand featured 14,000 registrants, 56 Special Sessions, 24 panels, 11 tutorials, 4 industry workshops, 8 keynotes, and record-breaking industry involvement (30 booths). We recognized growing Students and Young Professionals of IES with SYP panel on Future in the age of AI panel and banquet moderated by President Manic, as well as the panel of past IECON General Chairs moderated by Past President & Div. VI Director, Kamal Al-Haddad. Banquet and AdCom enjoyed addresses by IEEE President Elect Kathleen Kramer, VP TAB Fred Schindler, past VP TAB John Verboncoeur, representatives of Sister Societies (Andy Knight, IAS President), Div. VI Societies (Steven Li, RS), IEEE Treasurer Gerardo Barbosa).

The AdCom itself brought several big wins – IES ExCom idea was finalized (with a selfless effort of Secretary Lucia Lo Bello and Constitution and Bylaws committee), with members of IEEE leadership interacting and sharing IEEE vision with IES AdCom. Also presented was the long-needed process of onboarding new members (to be led by Past President Xinghuo Yu).

November marked a few more of the firsts – the IEEE World Technology Summit focusing on AI Infrastructure, organized by long time IES volunteer Michael Condry.  With over 25 industry speakers, the first IEEE industry forum set the stage for new ways of long needed industry involvement in IEEE and IES.  In addition, IES days, organized for the first time, were celebrated around the world across over 100 IES Chapters and 49 Student Branch Chapters across over 115 countries worldwide.

Adding to the above Town Halls (Get to Know IES Leadership and Don Tan’s “How to apply for IEEE Fellow”), strategic days prior to each AdCom, and consistent monthly Officers meetings, I am more proud than ever of changes we have introduced and progress that our AdCom and IES Society as a whole have made in 2024.

And with that, I would like to wish you and all dear to your hearts Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year,

Milos Manic

IES President