The 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical System (ICPS) will be held from Monday to Thursday, May 10-13, 2021, Victoria, BC, Canada.

ICPS 2021 aims to provide a platform to exchange quality research and professional interactions for the development of sciences in regard to cyber-physical systems. Industry experts, researchers and academics will share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthroughs, innovative solutions, research results, as well as initiatives related to cyber-physical systems and their applications. The conference will feature contributed and invited papers, as well as workshops and special sessions.

A number of Special Sections in leading IEEE Journals such as TII, OJIES and JESTIE, elaborating conference topics will be generated after the event. Authors of accepted papers, with a high review grade, will be invited to submit an improved/modified version of their papers for further consideration.

Topics within the scope of the conference:
• ICPS Architectures:
Industry Architectures, Industry Standards, RAMI 4.0, Industrial IoT
•ICPS Theory and Technologies:
Core Technologies, Interoperability, Communication Networks, Connectivity OT/IT, Semantics, Control, Information Processing, Security, IoT/IoS, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Cloud-Fog Computing, Big/Smart Data, Security
•ICPS Engineering:
Engineering Methods and Tools, Lifecycle Management, Integration, HMI, Safety, Engineering Systems of ICPS
•ICPS Applications:
Smart Manufacturing, Robotics, Smart Cities, Energy / Smart Grid, Smart Living, Smart Framing, Mobility, Water Management, Mining, Oil & Gas, Intelligent Enterprise, Smart Transportation, Internet of Underwater Things, Smart Medical Systems
•ICPS Management and Ecosystems:
Innovation Management, Innovation Ecosystems, Visions/Roadmaps, Industry Digitalization, Strategies & Markets, Entrepreneurship
•ICPS Education and Social Aspects:
Digital Society, Education, Lifelong ICPS Learning, ICPS Curricula, Future of Work, Social Aspects, Sustainability, Machine Ethics

Important Dates
Special Session Proposal due: Nov. 15, 2020
Full Paper Submission due: Dec. 15, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: Feb. 15, 2021
Final Submission: Mar. 15, 2021
Registration Site Opens: Mar. 15, 2021

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