2019 Women in IES Forum in Europe
The WiIES Forum will be a Thematic Technical Forum with Industry, to foster joint R&D activities between women engaged in reseach activities, in companies and in academy. The Forum, that is supported by the Industrial Electronics Society, targets women engineers, from industry and academia, and female students (MD, PhD) working in the fields covered by IES. The Forum program will offer a series of keynote speeches by prominent female scientists and professionals and a panel discussion with open forum.
Prof. Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy. Email: lobello@unict.it
Prof. Anikó Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Email: akc@fct.unl.pt
Prof. Concettina Buccella, Università dell’Aquila, Italy. Email: concettina.buccella@univaq.it