Join today! IEEE Transportation Electrification Community – Advancing the Field of Electrified Transportation
The IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC) is a Technical Community within the IEEE that serves as “one voice” for Transportation Electrification and coordinates broad and deep activities in the growing electrification revolution across transportation domains. These domains include advances in electric and hybrid cars, more-electric ships and aircraft, rail systems, personal transport, and the motive, storage, power grid, electronic intelligence, and control technologies that make them possible. TEC provides a platform to innovate, create, and collaborate on all aspects of transportation electrification within the IEEE.
TEC is sponsored by the following IEEE Societies/Council/Boards:
- IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- IEEE Industry Applications Society
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
- IEEE Power & Energy Society
- IEEE Power Electronics Society
- IEEE Reliability Society
- IEEE Standards Association
- IEEE Systems Council
Within TEC, we support conferences and workshops including the AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium (EATS) which is a collaboration with the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics). TEC also technically sponsors IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (“ITEC NA”), IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (“ESTS”), and other conferences/workshops around the world. A complete listing of all conferences and workshops can be found on the TEC website.
In the area of education, TEC organizes 5-6 webinars a year focusing on more electric transportation in the area of automotive, marine, rail, and aerospace. In 2019, the Community launched an online tutorial series focusing on more electric transportation in the area of automotive. In 2020, we will launch an online tutorial in the area of aerospace in collaboration with AIAA. Members of TEC have free access to the past webinars and receive a reduced rate for tutorials. In addition to the webinars and tutorials, we have 23 education programs hosted on IEEE Xplore for which members receive a 20% discount.
New in 2019, TEC became a sponsor of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and relaunched its eNewsletter which contains articles on emerging technologies in the field of Transportation Electrification.
TEC also focused on the area of standards development. The Community is looking to promote IEEE transportation electrification standards development efforts, identify standards gaps and opportunities in transportation electrification, and establish standards working groups.
Join TEC and be a part of the growing electrification revolution! Connect with industry colleagues, practitioners, researchers, students, and all those interested in advancing the field of electric transportation. Membership in the Community is free to all members of sponsoring societies and boards (listed above) If you are not a member of any of TEC’s sponsors, membership is $10 per year for higher-grade members and $5 per year for students.