News from October 2021 online AdCom of Industrial Electronics Society
On October 23-24, IES AdCom convened. 5 Officers, 9 Members at large, 4 Technical Committee Cluster Delegates and 15 TC Chairs were elected.
For more information on the newly elected officers, read our article:
Among the projects discussed for the future of IES, here are few topics addressed:
Smart village
Prof. Morgan Kiani, IES appointed representative, presented the evolution of a humanitarian project in Honduras led by the Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE Smart Village. The objective is to provide equipment and facilities to make the processing of rice easier for women to get more profit from their trade. Bringing water and electricity to 5,000 people had a great impact on their life.
A new subcommittee on use of Social Media
IES want to reinforce its presence in social media by creating a special committee to provide content and supervise activities on social media.
Statistics: Low impact of COVID-19 on IES activities
According to IES conferences and journal activities analytics report from the period October 2018 to September 2021, the paper submissions of IES main conferences and journals remained stable and our time from submission to publication on IEEE Xplore has kept at the same level compared to the period before COVID-19.
New IES Chapters in Africa
Sign of a rapid growth of our society in this dynamic region, 3 new chapters established in Central Africa for the first time in IES 70 years of history: Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria. 2 more chapters also opened in North Africa: Tunisia and Libya are now swelling the ranks with Algeria and Egypt. Welcome to them!
The Industrial Electronics Society Diversity and Inclusion Pledge
IES AdCom approved the following motion to adopt the IEEE WIE Pledge:
“The Industrial Electronics Society works toward diversified and inclusive panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events, including our own.
The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society is committed to providing equal opportunity to scientists and engineers, regardless of ethnicity, race, nationality, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, age, and/or personal identity. Our policy is to continually improve our practices in order to build and maintain an environment that reflects the rich diversity of the industrial electronics scientific community.”
New Strategy and Operations Plans for 2018-2023 will soon be evaluated
Prof Makoto Iwasaki, Vice-president of Planning and Development, introduced the future IES strategic plans for next years. To continue the raise of members (currently about 10,000), our society aims to promote:
- Technical Committee activities to attract more committee members and engage IES membership in initiating new TCs in target emerging areas.
- Technical forums with industry colleagues
- A new 3-minutes promotion video for the 70th anniversary of our Industrial Electronics Society, that you can discover here: