By Wenbin Dai, Mo-Yuen Chow, Luis Gomes, Valeriy Vyatkin


The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2022), was held virtually in Shanghai, China, from 22nd to 25th August 2022. ICIT is one of our society’s flagship annual conferences that travels in a rotation scheme around Asia/Australia, America, and Europe. The ICIT conference series started 22 years ago and is now coming to Shanghai, China for the first time. This year, ICIT 2022 is hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Shanghai Association of Automation, and the IES Shanghai Chapter.


Fig. 1 The opening speech by the IES President Prof. Mariusz Malinowski


The accepted and scheduled papers were presented in 20 oral sessions including 8 special sessions over 4 days. Along with the technical tracks, the industry forum, the women in engineering session, and 3 tutorial sessions were also presented. In addition, a full-day event of training and promoting IEEE Standards were organized by the IES TC on Standards, the IEEE Computer Society Smart Manufacturing Committee, and IEEE-SA China for the first time.

Fig. 2 Introduction of TCs from Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin


As the conference was open to the public for free, the ICIT 2022 attracted a total of 463 invited speakers, presenters, and audiences online from more than 30 countries across 12 different time zones. 3 keynotes were given. During the opening ceremony, the IES President Prof. Mariusz Malinowski gave a comprehensive introduction to the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and its history. The IES Vice President for Technical Activities and General Co-Chair of ICIT 22 Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin provided the basic information and 24 Technical Committees of the IES. Following that, the first keynote was presented by Prof. Ren Luo on a hot topic “Digital Transformation and AIoT Enhance Robotics Integrated Resilient Manufacturing Ecosystem”.


Fig. 3 The Keynote Delivered by Prof. Ren Luo


Prof. Thilo Sauter gave a keynote on “Energy Communities – empowering decentralized prosumers of renewable energy” which provided a novel concept of energy communities. The final keynote was delivered by Dr. John Conway from Schneider Electric to introduce the “UniversalAutomation.Org: the missing link to Industry 4.0”. At the closing ceremony, General Co-Chair Prof. Luis Gomes presented winners of best paper, best student paper and best paper presentations of the ICIT 2022, a total of 17 papers received the award.

Fig. 4 The Keynote Delivered by Prof. Thilo Sauter


The next edition of the ICIT will be held in Orlando, FL, the USA from 8-10 March 2023. We wish the future success of the IEEE IES ICIT conference.