International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This March 8, 2022 gives us the opportunity to bring to light women initiatives in our IES community.

Prof. Lucia Lo Bello is the IES representative for the IEEE Women in Engineering (WiE) programme

Since IECON 2017 in Beijing, the leader of the Women in IES initiative, Prof. Lucia Lo Bello, has been organizing and chairing Women in IES Forum and Technical Workshops at all the major IES conferences.

These events, which involve a number of active IES women members, are to foster the women’s involvement in scientific and technical activities.

Both motivational talks and technical ones are offered. Motivational talks want to offer success stories of women to inspire younger colleagues and students to pursue their career in Engineering. Technical workshops help networking between younger researchers and senior colleagues.

The events are not intended for women only. Professionals and students, regardless of gender, are welcome to network in a relaxed atmosphere.


Women in IES Forum in Washington, 2018


“Women in IES” initiatives can be seen in:



The next events at the main IES conferences in 2022 are in preparation, so stay tuned!

To participate to our initiatives or request for WiE support, join our Women in IES group on LinkedIn: