4th Estonian DC Innovation Workshop – Hybrid event on 22 November 2023
By Andrii Chub, Estonia IES/PELS/IAS/PES joint Chapter Chair
Dear Members of the IEEE IES,
I am pleased to announce a draft program of the 4th Estonian DC Innovation Workshop and open registration.
This hybrid event will be co-organized by the IEEE Estonia IES/PELS/IAS/PES Joint chapter and IEEE-IES Student and Young Professionals Activity Committee (SYP-AC) and is dedicated to enhancing energy performance of buildings.
As could be appreciated from the event agenda, all leading companies in the rapidly growing market of DC building technologies will present their latest developments.
The workshop attracts roughly equal number of participants from academia and industry, with 50 people from 6 countries participating in person in the previous edition.
You will find the draft program here: Agenda Draft – NZ
This hybrid event will take place in Taltech’s Mektory EnergyHub, Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 November 2023.
To register for the 4th Estonian DC Innovation Workshop, you need to fill out one of the following forms:
- ONLINE participation via ZOOM – https://forms.gle/75h7Qm6s2FConDyu7
- IN-PERSON participation – https://forms.gle/3Gz6T3BirNfsdZnG9
For both participation ways, the number of places is limited.