Celebrating Innovation and Community: Highlights from the First IEEE IES Day 2024
By Marina Indri, Chair of the IES New Initiatives and Organizer of the First IES Day
The first IEEE IES Day was held on 14 November 2024, offering a four-week period of events from 11 November to 6 December 2024, to celebrate IES and engage our community. 23 events were officially included in the list of celebrations all over the world, from India, China and Sri Lanka to Chile and Ecuador, passing through Estonia and other countries.
Various kinds of online, hybrid or in person events were organized by different souls of the IES Community, like Chapters, Student Branch Chapters, Women in IES, and IES Multimedia team. Technical lectures, workshops, student summits allowed to deal with hot topics in the fields of power electronics, e-mobility, AI and Industry 5.0, etc., but also to foster a sense of community, providing networking opportunities and information on IEEE opportunities in humanitarian activities for IES members.
The participation of students and young people was generally high, with very active contribution from Student Branch Chapters.
Photo and Video Contests for events’ organizers were established, with a prize of 250 USD for each category.
The photo contest winner is the IEEE Estonia IES/PELS/IAS/PES Joint Chapter, who organized a Lecture on “The Role of Power Electronics in Energy Transition” to celebrate the IES Day on 14 November 2024.

The video contest winner is the Student Branch Chapter SBC10125, who organized an event to celebrate the IES Day at Sri Lanka Technological Campus on 20 November 2024, including a quiz competition, interactive games and technical presentations, with networking opportunities for students, faculty and professionals.

Let’s start thinking about how to make the IES Day 2025 even greater!
Check the list of all IES Day events at https://iesday2024.ieee-ies.org/program/index.html
Watch the winning video on our IES Youtube Channel (Duration 45 sec): https://youtu.be/5_DvbB2yiKg
More IES celebrations below:
IEEE Hyderabad Section, India: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tripura-pidikiti-sieee-669b065_ies-industrial-activity-7271467086919409664-ET6_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
IEEE IES Sairam SB Chapter, India: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/godwinjoe_ieee-iesday2k24-celebration-activity-7254480353086615552-ehCq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
IEEE Student Branch at La Trobe University, Australia: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ieeelatrobe_ieee-iesday-ies-ugcPost-7263000908706250752-mIkT?utm_source=social_share_send&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
Rama Estudiantil IEEE Espoch, Ecuador: https://fb.watch/xgFn2UOArp/
Women in IES webinar “Distributed Secure Cooperative Control, Optimization, and Learning” by Wangli He https://resourcecenter.ies.ieee.org/member-resources/women-ies/ies_mr_wies_11_14_24_0000