2020 INDIN – 18th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics Online Event
IEEE INDIN is the premier conference series presenting the state of the art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies, where industry experts, researchers, and academics share ideas and report on recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to industrial informatics and their application. This is the 18th edition of the conference, with most recent previous editions hosted as follows: Beijing, China (2012); Bochum, Germany (2013); Porto-Alegre, Brazil (2014); Cambridge, UK (2015); Poitiers, France (2016); Emden, Germany (2017); Porto, Portugal (2018); and Helsinki-Espoo, Finland (2019). INDIN 2020 will provide opportunity for publishing in prestigious IEEE TII, IEEE Open Access Journal of the Industrial Electronic Society (OJIES) and Journal of IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics (JESTIE).
Note: The current global situation due to COVID-19 is resulting in unprecedented changes in the organization of IEEE IES-sponsored conferences. Since our priority is the safety and well-being of all conference participants, INDIN 2020 will therefore be held remotely with online presentations and conference delivery.