Posts tagged with: conference

2024 Battery Safety Workshop in Cooperation With IES

The 2024 Battery Safety Workshop will be held on 5-6 August 2024, in Columbia South Carolina, USA.
Workshop Mission 
With the wide application of batteries in our current mobile society, the safety issues of batteries have become one of the top concerns. Emerging in-situ/operando characterizations, advanced experimental …

2024 ONCON – The 3rd IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Online Conference

ONCON 2024 will take place virtually 8-10 December 2024.
The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Online Conference is the third online conference organized by IEEE IES.

ONCON 2024 has focuses on theory and applications of industrial electronic systems. The conference provides a flexible and convenient platform that …

2024 INDIN – 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics

INDIN 2024 will take place 17-20 August 2024 in Beijing, China.
This 22nd IEEE INDIN international conference will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of-art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies. Industry experts, researchers and academics are gathering together to share ideas …

2024 ICIEA – 19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications

ICIEA 2024 will be held on 5-8 August 2024, in Kristiansand, Norway.
The 19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications is organized by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Chapter of Singapore, the University of Agder, and the IEEE Singapore Section. The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society is …