Posts tagged with: Control and Protection of HVDC/AC Electrical Grids

IEEE IES MOOC ”Control and protection of HVDC/AC electrical grids”

By Aleksandra Lekic, Vaibhav Nougain, Goran Dobric, Aditya Shekhar, Pablo Eguia Lopez, Jose Marıa Maza-Ortega, Manuel Barragan-Villarejo, Pedro P. Vergara, and Morgan Kiani
Power systems undergo major changes by including more complex devices, especially those resulting from power electronic equipment. The use of converters contributes to …

The First Short Course in IES Resource Center!

In collaboration with IEEE- IES, and Horizon Europe project SUNRISE, we have developed this course which covers the design aspects of the power electronic converters used for DC applications, control of the power systems with the high penetration of renewable energy sources, and their protection. …