Hairpin Windings: opportunities for E-Motors in Transportation
Thursday 25 May 2023 at 3:00 PM CET, 9:00 AM EST
By Stefano Nuzzo (University of Modena and Reggio, Italy)
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Hairpin windings are promising candidates for electric motors, as they offer higher fill factors, lower low-frequency losses, reduced end winding lengths and improved cooling capabilities than random-wound windings. Nevertheless, as the trend is to increase the operating frequencies of electrical machines, such solution often reflects on increased losses in cores and windings, as well as reduced reliability. This is particularly true in case of electrical machines driven by wide bandgap-based converters, which are known to trigger faster degradation of coil insulation. In addition, automation, sustainability and reliability of components’ manufacturing process are currently a challenge, especially in the transportation sector where high levels of repeatability are demanded. Hence, new winding concepts, and flexible and automatized manufacturing processes are required to mitigate these challenges. In this webinar, the presenter will review hairpin technologies, first presenting the fill factor as a key enabler for power density, and then discussing their impact on AC losses, voltage distribution, sustainability, thermal management and manufacturing process. The webinar is suitable for both industrial and academic audience and will provide insight of the opportunities, challenges and solutions for hairpin windings in electrical machines for transportation.
Presenter’s bio:
Stefano Nuzzo (S’17-M’18) received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2018 from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K, where he also worked as a Research Fellow within the Power Electronics, Machines and Control (PEMC) Group. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Electrical Machines and Drives at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” of the University of Modena and Reggio, Modena, Italy.
His research interests are the analysis, modelling and optimizations of electrical machines intended for power generations, industrial and transport applications. He is involved in a number of European projects related to the more electric aircraft and vehicles initiatives.
Stefano Nuzzo is a Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS). He serves as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification and he is author or co-author of more than 70 international papers.