Posts tagged with: webinar

Premature failures of inverter-fed machines: root causes and remedial actions

Monday 22 January 2024 at 3:00 PM CET, 9:00 AM EST
By Andrea Cavallini (University of Bologna, Italy)
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Compared with AC-fed machines, inverter-fed machines can incur in premature failures as they sustain much larger electrical and thermal stresses. Electrical stress is particularly …

Extraordinary Women-in-IES Webinar: Multi-Terminal High-Voltage DC Grids: Challenges and Opportunities

Friday 17 November 2023 at 9:00 AM EST, 3:00 PM CET
By Maryam Saeedifard (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

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ZOOM Meeting ID: 844 6332 5317; Passcode: 695754
High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission is a long-standing technology with …

High-performance Interaction Force Control utilizing Various Sensors

Wednesday 22 November 2023 at 9:00 PM KST (1:00 PM CET, 7:00 AM EST)
By Sehoon Oh (DGIST, Daegu, South Korea)

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Mechatronic systems, recently, are required to interact with humans/environments not only in a safe way but also achieving desired tasks. However, …

Advanced control of electric vehicles and development of wireless in-wheel motors

Thursday 28 September 2023 at 8:00 PM JST (1:00 PM CET, 7:00AM EST)
By Hiroshi Fujimoto (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
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Electric vehicles (EVs) have attractive potential not only for energy and environmental performance, but also for vehicle motion control because electric …

Automatic Code Generation for Industrial Edge Applications based on IEC 61499 and MTP

Thursday 21 September 2023 at 8:00 PM CST (2:00 PM CET, 8:00AM EST)
By Wenbin Dai (School of Electrical Information and Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

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Industrial internet and edge computing brings lots of new opportunities for traditional industrial automation …

Past, Present, Future – Overview on IES Standards Development and Activities

Thursday 20 July 2023 at 8:00 AM PDT (5:00 PM CET, 11:00 AM EST)
By Dr. Victor Huang (Vice Chair, IEEE IES Standards Technical Committee)

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The presentation will cover a short overview on three aspects of IES Standards Development. It is …

Lowering the barrier to silicon with open source tools and TinyTapeout

Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 3:00 PM CEST, 9:00 AM EST
By Matthew Venn (Zero to ASIC course)

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Until recently, designing a custom chip would have cost hundreds of thousands in software tooling costs and then tens of thousands to get a …

Extraordinary Women-in-IES Webinar: On Nash’s Game Theory over Networks by Lacra Pavel

Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 10:00 AM EDT, 4:00 PM CET
By Lacra Pavel (University of Toronto, Canada)

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Networks are ubiquitous around us. Consider the Internet, with its underlying communication, the smart grid/power network, a network of robots engaged in search and …

Electric vehicles and charging infrastructure

Monday 15 May 2023 at 3:00 PM EEST, 2:00 PM CET, 8:00 AM ET
By Andrei Blinov, Oleksandr Husev, Parham Mohseni, Mohammad Mahad Nadeem, Oskar Kreft, Juhan Härm

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Restrictions on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution issues motivate many organizations and countries to …