Conference award paper

Local demagnetization fault detection in PMASynRM based on finite element modeling and characterisation

Authors: Jérémy Creux, Najla Haje Obeid, Thierry Boileau, Farid Meibody-Tabar
Extended abstract:
Good overall performances and efficiency of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) are highly impacted by irreversible demagnetization faults. This paper proposes to analyze the electromagnetic behavior of a faulty Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor …

Bilateral Control-Based Imitation Learning for Velocity-Controlled Robot

Author: Sho Sakaino
Extended abstract:
Machine learning is now playing important role in robotic object manipulation. In addition, force control is necessary for manipulating various objects to achieve robustness against perturbations of configurations and stiffness. The author’s group revealed that fast and dynamic object manipulation with force …

Active and Reactive Power Control based on Predictive Voltage Control in a Six-Phase Generation System using Modular Matrix Converters

Authors: Sergio Toledo, Magno Ayala, Edgar Maqueda, Raul Gregor, Alfredo Renault, Marco Rivera, Tomislav Dragicevic and Patrick Wheeler
Extended abstract:
Renewable energy generation for distributed generation systems are emerging as a plausible solution for the world’s growing energy demands. In this context multi-phase wind generation systems are …

Testing Operation and Coordination of DC Solid State Circuit Breakers

Authors:  James Langston; Andrew Rockhill; Karl Schoder; Michael Sloderbeck; Michael Steurer
Extended Abstract:
An approach for testing the operation and coordination of medium-voltage dc solid state circuit breakers (SSCB) for shipboard power systems is described. For the considered application, the rate of rise of current during a …