Featured news

Two IES members are among recipients of the IEEE Medal this year!

IEEE IES member Frede Blaabjerg receives one of IEEE’s highest awards―the 2020 IEEE Edison Medal “For contributions to and leadership in power electronics, developing a sustainable society.”
The 2020 IEEE Edison Medal is given for a career of meritorious achievement in electrical science, electrical engineering or …

Industrial Electronics Society’s first Online AdCom in the history

Facing the world health situation, many activities inside IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) have been moved to virtual this year. On June 20 and 21, the IES has successfully conducted, for the first time in the Society’s history, the Administrative Committee (AdCom, see note below) …

Meet our society new IEEE Fellows class 2020!

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members with extraordinary accomplishments in IEEE fields of interest. It is our great pleasure to announce that the following 6 IES members have been made IEEE Fellows (effective Jan 1, 2020) through Industrial Electronics Society. Congratulations …

2019 IEEE Hall of Fame Award for IES Young Professionals activities!

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Young Professionals (YP) is this year’s winner of the IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award in the IEEE Society category. The award is meant to recognize active and inspiring Young Professional Affinity Groups and Society Groups worldwide, based …