Posts tagged with: IES publications

Call for Nomination – Open Position for Senior Editor of TMECH

The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) invites nominations for the position of Senior Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics journal.
Nominations should be sent to IES Vice-President for Publications, Thilo Sauter,,
no later than 15 September 2023.
Senior Editor of TMECH (IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics)
Two-year term starting …

A Review on Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Microgrids

Authors: Ebrahim Mohammadi, Mojtaba Alizadeh, Mohsen Asgarimoghaddam, Xiaoyu Wang, Marcelo Godoy Simões
Extended Abstract:
Fossil fuels with their environmental pollution and low efficiency impact the traditional and conventional power systems. These issues have been supporting a new paradigm of electricity generation locally at the distribution level, with …

Call for Nominations for open Editor Positions – 5 May 2023

The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) invites nominations for the position of co-Editor-in-Chief for the following journals:

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII)
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OJIES)
(see below open positions and requirements).
Nominations should be sent to IES …

A Grid-Connected Converter Configuration for the Synergy of Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Storage and Renewable Energy Resources

Authors: Bhaskara Rao Ravada, Narsa Reddy Tummuru and Bala Naga Lingaiah Ande
Extended Abstract:

The integration of renewable power sources and energy storage using multiport converters is gaining immense attention. Appreciable research has been done and reported regarding the multiport converters. Among them, very few are related to the integration of supercapacitor-battery-based …